Well, it’s been a lot longer than I’d hoped since I’ve updated this blog. Honestly, I had a great idea for a post and as I started working on it I realized I had enough details that I could turn it into a novel. So I’ve been working on that, as well as on tracing other Serwanski relatives that came and settled in the US in the early 1900’s. Unfortunately I’ve discovered that I’m pretty spoiled when it comes to accessing records in Cook County, IL as opposed to almost everywhere else. The Serwanski’s first settled in New York, and those records are not readily available for the time frame I’m looking in.
Another excuse for lack of updates – I’m moving soon, so my summer has been spent packing, organizing, trashing, researching, etc. That hasn’t left much time for genealogy, as much as that pains me lol 🙂 However, I plan on getting into the habit of updating this blog on a more consistent basis, and I believe my next post will be a fun one. This Saturday is Ciociu Albina’s (my great-aunt) 90th birthday party, and as she’s stated, also somewhat of a family reunion. I’ll finally get a chance to meet lots of relatives I’ve only heard about through stories or seen in photos, so I’m very excited!